Hello. I am Alan D. Benson, and thanks for visiting my Stand Up! A Message to the Black Man! As an author, business owner, and educator, I am passionate about helping Black Men and others to realize their full potential. Through my books, public speaking engagements, and workshops, I seek to empower people with the knowledge I have acquired from my life experiences.

Anyone can achieve greatness if they are willing to recognize their strengths and weaknesses and strive for tremendous success. My ambition is to help people understand their power and worth so that they can excel in whatever field they choose.

My goal is to pass on valuable lessons learned and inspire others to find their purpose in life and make a positive impact in this world. Every day I seek ways to motivate people of all ages and backgrounds while educating them on how to lead a meaningful and fulfilling life.

I am determined to help by brothers create a better future for themselves through my work and the example I set as an individual. I hope that by sharing my knowledge and experiences, I can make a difference in someone’s life and help them achieve their goals.

Through my books, public speaking engagements, and workshops, I am devoted to helping Black Men gain insight into how they can maximize their potential and create a path of success for themselves. With these tools, everyone can reach beyond what they think is possible and accomplish greatness. Thank you for exploring this page – together, we can strive to make a difference.

Alan D. Benson – Author, Business Owner, and Educator. Taking The Journey to Success, One Step at A Time!